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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Norbu, Our Guest

Few weeks ago, a lone male cat, totally beaten and exhausted by hunger and cold showed up to my residence. Before I could even utter a word, my three animal loving daughters have not only welcomed him to our house, but have also claimed the ownership over it. They were swift to name him too. They named him Norbu!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Random Pictures from Lamperi Botanical Park

As suggested by my fellow blogger Passu, today I was able to make a brief visit to Royal Botanical Park in Lamperi. My wife, who loves nature more than me, was totally awestruck by the absolute sereneness and total tranquility there. It captured her attention, so much that she almost left her purse there. 

We did not have time to enjoy all the fun there. But our brief stopover there has already inspired us to take our entire family for a grand picnic some day. I took the following pictures in my tab and it surely doesn't look that good. But I would like to inform all my readers that, those are the pictures with no editing and Photo-shopping. They are in their raw form like the nature itself. So please enjoy..