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Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - A Happy year of Rabbit indeed !

To be honest, the celebration of Gregorian new year is a new phenomena that is fast picking phase in our society-Bhutan. It is mostly celebrated in the 'confines of homes, bars and discotheques'. Its a business boom period for telecommunication industry, as the short text messages are exchanged in thousands. Cell phones beeped every second to indicate either delivery or receipt of the message. Mine was no exception.

As I woke up  this morning and picked my phone, the first short message  that i saw  in my phone was  form my closest friend and it read "As our world grow another year older, here is the wishing that you get the biggest slice of happiness and good luck to fulfill your heart and and the whole year through. Happy New Year 2011" This very lines made me think deep. The message it conveyed are very humane and casual but worthy of giving it a second thought. It was indeed  a very thoughtful on my friend's part. He very well reminded me of the one more step i took towards my final providence with the demise of year 2010.

With this, the new year wishes kept in pouring like unending droplets of  monsoon rain.  It didn't matter Whether those messages are 'copy-paste' or 'forwarded'  version , the meanings they contained  were immense and profound. Besides personal calls, I counted sixty seven such messages in my in-box, which made me feel  euphoric. Friends and families, both close and far wished me and my family luck, happiness, health, wealth, prosperity, peace and laughter. In fact they wished me all good things one can possibly name and imagine on this earth. I thank them all in solemn prayers.

May the sun of happiness shine and brighten us everyday with its unending warmth
May the moon of coolness shine to show us the silver lining behind every dark cloud
May the World remain as a place of  peace for humanity for infinite eons

May the new year's eve find all well wishers seated around the dining table, together with their loved ones
May all find the food better and that they eat out of necessity and not out of gluttony
May the environment remain cleaner and calmer
May the TV commercial become shorter 
May the insurgents and soldiers have lesser bullets to kill innocents 
May the bill be cleaner  for health
May the people talk only of virtue and not of evil
May the soccer team one supports emerge victorious, so one goes to bed with less anxiety
May the gas  in you car last longer than usual 
May the Principal amount of loan diminish faster
May the check book and budget balance 
May the boss be impressed by your acts 
May the foreign travel be longer with higher DSA
May  the kids remain healthy but less naughty
May people forgive each other easily
May the cost of Vegetable be cheaper 
May the landlord have no rent hiking ideas
May the road become smoother to wear lesser wheels 
May the harvest be bountiful 
May everyone remember to say 'I love you' at least once a day to their beloved ones (parents, siblings, better halves and kids etc)
May we celebrate this new year with lesser fights in the bars and discotheques
May there be brighter lights in the party hall, so that the girls with heavy makeups become visible for all
May there be more food to eat in party than drinks that make people frenzy
May there be more people who speak dzongkha because they are not drunk
May the gift box contain something precious and expensive
May there be less cars falling off the road
May the vegetable vendor  intoxicate the vegetables in his garden with less pesticides.
May god bless us all to see a brighter tomorrow everyday.

                             HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL

Alas, My wishes are unending. I am afraid i will never end wishing my well wishers. After all wishes are nothing but human desires. As Lord Buddha  once said  that "desires are the main causes of sorrow" So i wish all a lesser sorrows in 2011.

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