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Friday, March 25, 2011

I am a beneficiary of MTCP Program 2009; Part Four

Of the 14 days program, I have spent half of it in AKMAL. There, the weather was hot and humid all the time. It often rained cat and dog. The very first sight of tropical rain frightened me because, the powerful rain not only  cut off the power supply, but also sent water gushing into our conference hall. Our classed got called off and my colleagues gathered at the lobby either for cigarettes or for  coffee. 

Suddenly, after 15 minutes of relentless rain, the serene and radiant atmosphere of Melaka returns to normal, The chirping birds returns to the rubber trees and sings again, The lush and green soccer field appears even  greener and calmer,  Ramana, the turtle and school of multi colored fish (that live in an artificial pond, next to hostel) resumes feasting on the bread (dumped in by our friends) All in all, the life in Melaka was beautiful beyond.

The memories from Melaka mall are unforgetable, because it was there I did my major shopping. I bought toys and garments for my daughters and  shoes and socks for my wife and parents. Our colleagues from  Malaysian customs, sometimes took us to a different mall and treated with traditional Malaysian tea too.

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