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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Choose one shape that you think describes you best

Today I have come up with another way of blogging. This will not only involve me as a author here but will also seek the participation from the readers as well.

Choose your shape and leave me a comment along with your name. I will let you know the result of it in a weeks time. I promise its nothing scandalous here. The results when announced will surprise you. It's going to be a very pleasant surprise. So why wait. Take your chance.

Ohh. Let me remind you all that, take word 'Z' as a shape and not as alphabet letter.

For those of you, who already know about this, please keep it for yourself and do not share with your friend(s) who are about to take this exercise.


  1. Hey Kuenzang; njice blogging; i chose my shape to be Triangle..
    your next procedures will be appreciated ,..
    Happy Blogging

  2. None of the above describes me Kuenzang. Anyway, let me choose circle. :)

  3. hi kuenzang
    Nice post. I prefer square.Waiting for the comment. lol

  4. For me, it would be the zig zag Z-shape.

  5. hmm,Kuenzang, I am going for triangle and let me see what is the result LOL...


  6. Tshering yangzom4/21/2011 12:05 PM

    sir i will got for zig zag..Z..

  7. I'm for rhombus.

  8. I go for circle.

  9. I am for the triangle.

  10. Hmmmm....i am going for the Traingle....waiting for the result!

  11. He said he'd announce the results after he had returned from home. He has been back from home a couple of days now, and yet we do not have the results. Has the loss of his camera in Trongsa got anything to do here?

    If he doesn't declare the results in 24 hours from now, I'll send to him the bill I paid for logging into the Internet at a cafe to participate in the contest.

    He had better realize that I'm being very generous to him, as I'm not charging him for the hourly visit I make to the cafe to check if he has declared the results.

    If you are still mourning the loss of your camera, please chant: let bygones be bygones. Comfort yourself by the reality that technology is updated in nanoseconds. You may have lost a camera with 12 mega pixels today; tomorrow one with 100 mega pixels is available on the market. We are all queuing up. The line is getting longer, our patience thinner. Come on faster.
