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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A walk in the rain!

By any definition, I am a human being. Even though I believe in Buddhist thing called birth and rebirth, I am cent percent sure that I am not a reincarnate of any being. Definitely not a reincarnate of any aquatic being like fish octopus and for that matter a turtle. Thats why I have a strong allergy, being in water and walking in water, except my bathing hours.

Yesterday evening, when I got out my office and started my homeward walk, it was little past seven. The street lights in their full brightness glowed like "shining papayas". It appeared to be a very conducive evening for a walk. Perhaps with a kind of  poetic mood, I was as romantic as the evening itself. 

Halfway into my walk, a little drizzle quickly took a wrath of a heavy downpour. To worsen the already wretched condition, there was a disruption in the power supply and every thing got engulfed in the dark clad blanket called night. Mind you I was in my official uniform (Customs) 

The only light that illuminated my way was form few of the automobiles that ran on the highway form behind, Those that came form the opposite direction blinded my eyes with their powerful head lights. They lack the courtesy of using dipper lights when someone is walking form the opposite direction. I felt that, it was a display of unethical and un sensual driving. 

As mush as there were people out for a walk, there were that many cars plying too. When I was just about to reach to a place wherein I could wait for the downpour to stop, someone from the fast passing car puffed the smoke of a cigarette on my face. I don't know why he had to do that for me. 

Please god, save the enforcers, for it's not the enforcers that make unenforceable laws.


  1. It's Naomi ^^4/21/2011 12:48 PM

    love the part of octopus, the shining papayas, and the drizzle best! ^^ You are an awesome writer Kuenzang! In this, I say from the bottom of my heart. Not only this bubbling of yours, but for most of your writing. Loving it Brother! ^^

    And about the tobacco control act, why you against it? Are you a smoker?

  2. HI sister,
    Thanks for reading my writeups. I promise to come with more in days to come. so keep visiting.

    coming back to Tobacco control act, I am not totally against it but I am against it in some portion. Like the penalty clause. the act is very vague in defining the term "smuggling" Mind you if you are caught with a 1 cent worth of tobacco product, (not declared to customs) you will be charged under the felony of third degree. you will be sentenced to min of 3 yrs for that and Non bailable! would you believe it.........

    by the way, I am a non smoker and I hate to see people smoking. but I sincerely think that should not be the way we curb smokers. ha ha
    this is my opinion again.........

  3. It's Naomi ^^4/21/2011 2:37 PM

    Three cheers to you for being a non smoker guy!! To me, a non smoker guy is very sexy! So, that makes you a sexy Dad! ;)

    Here in Jakarta, the provincial government just enacted a new law that forbid people to smoke inside building. Well, that's good thing. Only the problem is, many of commercial places, such as karaoke, restaurant, club, wouldn't uphold the law in favor for the customers who are mostly smokers. So, it's almost common that you'd see a pregnant women and children sitting in an air conditioned room with thick cigarette smoke. And instead of speak to those smokers, the restaurant owner will just open the doors, while letting the air conditioning on.

    Here in Indonesia, everyone is both secondhand smoker and thirdhand smoker. Because people has not come to the point that as people has the right to smoke, it is our right too to have a clear non-smoking air. So, we tend to choose the safe way by making distance or leaving, rather than having an argue with the smoker.

    So, that's why I was so happy to learn from the wikipedia that Bhutan is a non-smoking country. Until one day, some Bhutan guy told me the other way around.

    Keep on writing Kuenzang, the therapeutic effect will keep us in sanity. Will definitely visit your blog more often! ^^
