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Monday, April 4, 2011

Enterprise; What is this called Poetry?

All that appear will disappear,
All that come will go.
All that bloom will wilt
Nothing is permanent on this earth. 
This is the universal truth.

Our life is like a trip to destination unknown,
The zealous first stage are known for many,
A courage, rage, intelligence, and ambition.

In the second stage,
As the dilemma of drama continues,
The air of futileness seeps in, slowly but surely,
It seeps and seeps deeper.

Finally, on reaching destination, 
Many hardly know the the reason, 
It's like "the trip had darkened every face, 
Our deeds were neither great nor rare"  
Said Nissim Ezekil.

But what is this called poetry? 


  1. I am not good at poetry. So am sorry I cannot comment on the content of the poem. :)

  2. HI Lings,

    I was revisiting my past, especially the poetry class by Sir. K.C. Jose back In drukgyel HSS.

    so I just recollecting the things we shared in the class.
