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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Audit found I was a travel freak.

This is my sixth year in service to King, Country and people. Till date I have worked as Customs officer in  Department of Revenue and Customs. I don't know how far it is true, but people say that officers from my head office travel the maximum for training and seminars abroad. 

For that matter, I wish I were also there in my head office too. Its my dream to travel around the world. Who wouldn't travel when you are given a hefty DSA in Dollars, with free food and accommodation! And yea... who cares about the "6 months minimum gap" rules in BCSR. They are just there like any other rules. 

Thankfully, I have availed three golden opportunities to travel abroad of which the details are given below:
  1. Intellectual Property Right seminar in Japan (March 2007)........ Duration 1 Week.
  2. Passenger Management Training in Malaysia (August 2009).......Duration 2 weeks
  3. Computer based Training on drug Law enforcement in India (November 2010..... duration 4 days.
I remain ever grateful for my Department and my superiors for nominating my candidature. If not monetarily, it did benefit me in terms knowledge, exposure and skills. So Thank you once again

But  on 17th May 2011, someone form my head office said that there is an audit memo against my name. And interestingly I was issued a memo for breaching that very rule which many people don't give a damn. -Of course for not maintaining a minimum  6 months gap between each  ex-country travels.

The audit people found I was travel freak! They have indeed issued a memo against my name for breaching the travel rules. Memo stated that I made a trip to Bangkok, for Training on Tax Administration and Policy. But sad thing is I did not travel on that occasion. My Ministry thus asked me to submit an explanation of which I was never informed, until I went to my head office myself.

So I had to write the an explanation as under to convince them. Please read it for yourself. Oh ya! but where are the list of other travel freaks like me. I wish to share the list with public someday.


  1. I wonder how many other civil servants got such 'memos'. If the number is large (which is subjective and debatable), it certainly raises doubts about how these data and information has and continues to be captured. Information systems are suppose to help reduce such problems (the human error aspect).

  2. I really cannot comment on that aspect dasho, but certainly something really seem not right as we march into the age of information technology. some gets declared dead (while still alive and breathing) while some gets reflected in memos deservingly....

  3. by virtue of working in airport I see so many travelling, but that doesnt mean i am travelling with them tooo............please help me here...I need audit clearance for my studies soon .........

  4. Oye bumthaba, there must be another "Kuenzang Thinley" in your department mena???

  5. Ajo, what happened with the memo now......?
