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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Only Photography. No Politics please......

My Wife and my mother-in-law as seen posing for me to take a shot.
Its a photograph with zero knowledge of photography,
if the picture looks nice, then credit my beautiful wife and her mother.

My two good friends.
I have forced them to pose for me.
I think their face says it all?
But tell me, aren't they looking gorgeous. 

Because she is married to my distant cousin,
I consider her as my sister-in-law.
She is sweet person.
Next time you travel by air, just drop in duty free shop to see her.
My Boss (in white) with her glowing smile,
Smile from within, thats what she does.
My another good friend Tashi, who has the best posing skills,
and My younger sister-like ADM officer with her dazzling smile.
She says, if you can smile, then why not show the world.
My Good friend and his beautiful wife, Sangay
On the other side is his sister-in-law,
Her blush makes her all the more beautiful.
Next time you think of eating Pork,
think about these innocent and harmless animals. 

we are friends, but she is more like my elder sister.
She is bold and she is blunt.
But I tell you, she is also a person with good heart too.
If you have Dollars then  She has the Ngultrum.
Please Visit the airport Bank to see her.


  1. "...her wife...?" Is your friend a lesbian?

  2. Nice pics bro. Keep pursuing your passion and beautify your page with all such pics :)

  3. @ Destiny, Thanks for spoting my careless typo error. I have made the necessary changes

    @ Langa, Sure bro
    I will

  4. Hi, and thanks for stopping by my blog and following me. These are nice pictures. I'm sure your family and friends appreciate your comments.
