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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Images from Gujarat

 A pair of dove who actually wanted to share room with me.
 But I denied their proposal, because they stinks. 

Peacock Dance? I think its also a show of might.

Female Peacock, that frequents my neighborhood

My Home, with no bed, no table, no chair and worse of all no fan.
I tell you I didn't even have toilet
because we did't have running water

Squarrel that fears no Human. They are pampered. They are animals
 that have better living standards compared to those Humans  in the slums

My room Mates. Jurmi, the Historian, who looks much older than his age,
Tashi, the politician who  hardly speaks  and
Jamtsho, who nearly became Psycho after attending
a Psychology class in Gujarati  
My batch mate, Pema, who is learning to eat more
because She doesn't want to look lean and thin like our Indian friends
Looks Terrible!!!  But they are Gentle Giant ants.
They do not believe in attacking Homo sapiens .
 That is the reason why I entertain many of them in my room
Madam Ugyen. I have no words to describe her,
except that she is  lady of her  words.
Perhaps that  is what it takes to be a  Psychologist 
Male Peacock that do not sleep,
but fancies disturbing the entire neighborhood
A Gujarati Lady, who told me to eat more fruits in Gujarat
My Gujarati Friend Mr. Chintan Joshi.
He is not only an Electronic Engineer ,
 but also an English  Teacher in one of the colleges in Gujarat.
I am marking his words,
because he promised to show me the specialties in Ahmedabad. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures with interesting description.......enjoyed reading la......
