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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Random Ramblings

Picture courtesy: Facebook

Apparently, I was mad when University declared our initial exam dates. As per the schedule, we are suppose to have exams every day starting from 18th May till 24th May!. This meant, we have less time for our last-minute preparation.  It  enraged 'last minute-freaks'. But that thing was not to last. Students started protesting by visiting Controllers office and without much fuss, the exams dates are being rescheduled. Now we will be having exams every alternative days starting 19th May. 

Thanks to rescheduled exam dates, I am now able to blog about how busy I have been those few days. Obviously I was exceedingly busy with my exam preparation. I slept with my books and got up in mess. I drank coffee like addict and peed like horse. Under stressful hours, I often shouted like lunatic. I watched 'Friends' and laughed like mad.  

Besides, I have also an interesting story about a friend who wouldn't mind putting his pillow under his butt but wouldn't allow others to do the same. As a Bhutanese, I am of the opinion that pillow (or hang) is strictly for head and mattress (dhen) for butt, but he still wants to stay tall with is his unreasonable logic. To get at him I asked him a very logic less question in return; -"Do you use your underwear as cap?"

We are four friends who share a flat. By virtue of living next to the toilet, I often end up being the miserable most of the time. In our recent past, it was about someone peeing from the door. But of late its been about someone not using water while shitting! I have to shut the door because I have Buddha's picture hung in my room. 

I enjoy facebooking and the the reasons are innumerable. Apart from meeting friends and strangers alike, I like the idea of facebooking because it gives me lot of courage and guts. Through facebook, I can chat nonstop with anyone. I can even yell at my MP!, vent out my frustrations and get consoled.....and many more....But mind you I am a very faithful husband and dedicated father. Honestly, I salute the creators of facebook. I wish I could write exam on facebooking as well!

By the way, I have exams starting 19th May. So wish me lots of luck. If I again top my class, then expect a treat from me.

Good night folks.


  1. Hello PSN..loads of good luck to you in your exams. I liked your lines that went touchy with ur Buddha kupar and ur roomies not flushing the pot!:)
    Good luck wai.

  2. hey sonam,

    thanks for the comment.

    ha ha... I know why use 'rambling' as the topic for your articles...its fun rambling right ?.....

    Keep visiting


  3. See, I told you. The best words come when you have the emotions to pen them down. And exam times are often the most realizing ones. I used to mourn to the existence of our human life, asking silly stuffs like "Why do we write exams?". Ha-ha. I sound like Calvin here.

    Anyway, best wishes.

    1. Hey Luizee,

      you are right. I think words do come out when we have the emotions that erupts from deep down.

      as for exams, I do ask the same question over and over again. and of late I have come to realization as to why we write exams all our life. I will come up with a post for this topic.

      by the way, thanks for visiting and keep visiting. I value your comments....


  4. Interesting one. My room is also just next to the toilet door and often I am suffocated with those filthy stinks and occasionally I have to flush off the washroom, close its door, et al. But the best remedy is to intoxicate myself with the spray of Set Wet perfumes.
    Well, all the best for your exams and hoping to read more about how successfully you have fought for each papers.
    God Bless U la.

    1. hi Leo, thanks for the comment.

      I nearly locked that toilet door permanently!!

      ha ha

      thanks for your good wishes...


  5. All the best Ajo, nothing more just looking forward to your treat.hehe
