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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Up Coming Thongdrel of Longchenpa in Shingkhar

༈ གངས་རི་ཐོད་དཀར་རིན་ཆེན་སྙིང་པོའི་མགོན། །
ཡོན་ཏན་ཀུན་བྱུང་དགའ་བའི་སྐྱེད་ཚལ་དུ། །
སྙིགས་མའི་དོན་གཟིགས་སྦས་པའི་རྣལ་འབྱོར་པ། །

I have picked up this picture from the facebook page of Shingkharpas. I am deeply moved by the initiatives taken by my brother who is a Bhutanese astrologer in Pangrizampa. I hope to see him succeed in his endeavor. I hope the blessings of Longchenpa will continue to bring the peace and wellbeing in Shingkhar (in particular) and Bhutan and  the World (in general)

My brother, Soman Rinchen, Bhutnese Astrologer
I would like to convey my sincerest and deepest Tashi Delek to Sonam. I would also like my readers everywhere in the world to join me in wishing him a  great success. 


  1. sonam rinchen5/23/2012 10:19 PM

    Acho thank u so much for ur kind support la.

    1. Hi Sonam.
      Keep up your good work. I am your poor acho, But I promise i will be there for you. I will render my support to the best of my abilities.

      Keep praying and have faith in Longchenpa him self. I am positive we will be able to see the project succeed.


    2. sonam rinchen5/24/2012 8:32 AM

      thans acho

  2. Hi Acho,
    Thank you for the wonderful information! I still didn't know the names of my great grandfathers!..Yes we all should contribute and I am in this too..

    Thank you

    1. hi this is wonderful and m glad to know this.
