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Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Maiden Train Journey

TR No. 15634: Ahmedabad-Gohati Express
Kalapur is a local train station in Ahmedabad. Crowded, littered,  hot, dusty and noisy, the station looked cent percent Indian from top to toe. It was from there, I embarked my maiden train journey. From Ahmedabad to New Jalpai Guri (NJP), covering a distance of over two thousand kilometers, it was't the kind of journey I fancied. Not having a confirmed seat even worried me more.  

At the station, I took help form coolies to lift my heavy bags. Those coolies in maroon shirt came in handy. They looked weak and fragile but I was honestly surprised with the kind of strength they had in their bony arms and bald head! Lifting 4 bags loaded with books was not big ask for them. 

When the train arrived, I rushed through the crowd to find my seat and compartment. In my frenzied attempt, I even forgot about helping our lady colleagues. I had enough to carry myself and  I felt sorry for not being gentleman! 

When I finally found my seat and and compartment, I was totally soaked in my sweat. Exhausted and drenched, I told the people around that "this is my maiden train journey". But sadly there was no sign of sympathy. All the people in the compartment gave me and my friend a blank look.  

Once inside, I soon realized my worst dreaded fear. We were three friends who paid and booked train tickets 4 months ago but still failed to get a confirmed seat. Literally, We paid for 3 seats but were only given  2 and half seats!

We some how managed to get through in our first night. But on our second night, I started to to feel the real taste of train journey. One of my friend, who proclaimed to be the most experienced  train traveller  even had lot to complain about the journey. 

To sum up my maiden train journey, it was hellishly adventurous. It was an experience I would never want to recall. The compartment was cramped, the seat was miniature, toilet was stinking, people  were noisy, tea was too less and food served by adamant waiters. I slept and ate like an inmate all through my journey. To worsen the situation, I had bad mouth ulcer!

Finally When I reached NJP, I pulled my self out from the train and wowed never to travel in train. 

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