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Friday, July 20, 2012

Back again in Gujarat

Double lock to ensure safety 

Before I could even complete writing my last article (remembering chicken curry in Gujarat) I am back here in Gujarat again. I have loads to write about how I spent my break in Bhutan with my family, but for now I, somehow feel so tempted to write about my return to the college.

Although broke and exhausted, I reached P/ling from where I started my onward journey the next day. In P/ling I have had the fortune of staying in one of the best hotels there. Thanks to my friend Dolo, I was accorded free food and free lodge. It was by far the most memorable night because I used my friend's i-pad to update my facebook status!

That night, it rained cat and dog, all night long. Knowing full well the condition of road between Bagdora and P/ling, I went off to bed worried and anxious. I also thought to myself that how in the world did most of my friends (like Dolo) become so rich in a wink of few years! (Perhaps they must have prayed to Lord Namsey more fervently than me!

The next day, I reached Gujarat in safe, sound and happy condition. It was little past 10 pm when I reached my door. But sadly and frustratingly, I was denied access to my room! Another giant lock from the Dean's office dangling on my door was little frightening, so to say. But Thank god, I had a friend who not only graciously welcomed me but also sacrificed his bed for me that night.

The next day I went to collect the key along with some gifts for her in my bag. But as usual the Dean was't to found in her office. However I met her peons who apparently displayed more power than the Dean herself. Instead of apologizing me for the inconvenience, they accused me of having breached the college norm. (by not surrendering my room keys to the office!) They could be right, but since I was never oriented to such a norm, I feel I was not wrong either. I requested those peons to hand over the keys to me but they kept on denying. It was bitter feeling and I felt embarrassed. When my incessant request for the key saw no end, I threatened to leave the college altogether! I told them that I did not come here on my own and that I represent Royal Government of Bhutan.

Moments later the phone rang and finally it was Dean on the other end. I greeted her with utmost respect  but she was in a hurry to make three things clear to me. One, my room has been locked to ensure safety in case of emergency (although I still do not know how double lock will assure safety in emergency) Two, the hostel rent would be increased. Three, me and my Bhutanese friends are required to surrender our room keys when ever we go for a break. With those three things, our conversation came to an end.

I don't know why but I sensed anger in Dean. She did not sound happy and pleased. Like her I was angry and outraged too. I am a humble foreigner here and I strongly believe I didn't deserve that harassment.

Anyways, I got those keys and came back to my room with my gifts still intact.

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