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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kunzang Choden, Our very own writer

Our Own Writer
I don't know whether it has to do with my good karmic force or a sheer coincident of events in my life, but I have had the fortune of lunching at her place in Bumthang. That was long time ago. I don't remember the exact date but it was in 1997. I was a young boy then. I suppose it was in summer. Along with my brother, me and one of my friend unexpectedly made to her house for a small chore. - to dig drain for electric wires. when the job was done, she not only lavished us with a grand lunch, but also paid us handsomely. Nu. 300 those days was a lot of money! I remember how that money came at a right time (although there is never a wrong time to receive money) Perhaps as a penny less young boy, It made a lasting memory in my mind.

I later came to know that she is a great writer.

Now she is again making lasting memories in my mind through her books. I read her book "folktales of Bhutan" followed by "Bhutanese tales of the Yeti". I enjoyed her stories just like I enjoyed those stories from my uncle in exchange of a bottle of arra back home. The other book "Dawa, The story of a Stray dog in Bhutan" is by far the most romantic. It is her sublime artistic creation. Her ability to express and describe human world through the eyes of a dog is far far captivating. No amount of praise would justify the beauty of the book.

Last but (hopefully) not the least, I have just finished reading her latest work, her first novel, "the circle of Karma" Half way through, I was mesmerized and gagged with the insight she have about the life in rural Bhutan in 1950-60 and before. Blend of humor and drama, it made me laugh and it made me go emotional. Sometimes the story gets so close to my family that it got my eyes teary. The plight of Tshomo (the main character) depicts the wholesome predicament most of our grandmothers faced. -as a young girl and as a lady. The karmic force that took her around the globe not only torturous but also showed her the path to the ultimate triumph. She finally finds a way to end this mundane affairs by simply adding more love, more kindness, more compassion and more understanding to her life. Tsomo, realizes that "bliss of solitude is indeed a real bliss".

Ashi Kunzang Choden, your works have not only entertained me but  have inspired me a lot.

Folk Tales of Bhutan

Dawa, The story of a Stray dog in Bhutan

The Circle of Karma

Bhutanese Tales of the Yeti
Please get your copy and read it for yourself. If you are in India, place your order for "the circle of Karma" via or


  1. Among all the books of ashi Kunzang, Dawa-the story of stray dog has been my favourite. In this book as well she describes of the circle of Karma in the form of Dawa- who is a lotsawa in his previous life.
    Her description of village life appeals to our imagery as we are from the same background, that connects us through her stories.

  2. I taught Dawa in class nine for two years, class nines study the novel as a satire on Bhutanese society. I enjoyed the novel completely.
