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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Real Happy Face


Mr. Jean Paul Jasperse thinks this is a "Real HAPPY FACE". I was told by one of my friend that Jean is an artist himself. My friend even showed me some of his fascinating art works. Even though I couldn't grasp the real meaning hidden in some of his art work, they all looked really amazing. Honestly, I have never seen many people like Jean. All his art works invokes an immense sense of mystery and magic. 

I never met Jean personally, but I have always sensed him following me either in my facebook or on my blog. It's been while that Jean has been liking all my post on facebook and I am happy for that. I thank him immensely for all the 'like' button he pressed for me....   :)

Today I feel more happy for the fact that Jean has left a very beautiful comment befitting my daughters photograph. -The Real HAPPY FACE. Well, I will leave that entirely to Jean. 

As for me, this picture has always brought me smile and laughter. Every time I went broke and sick in the heat of tropical India, I looked at this picture. The smile in the picture brought me immediate joy. It helped me wipe off those miserable feelings.  Every time I felt cheated by autowallas and fish sellers, a mere look at this picture soothed me. The smile in the picture always gave me the strength to overcome those hard times. All in all her smile gave me less reason to worry and more reason to live and celebrate life. 

Last but not the least, every time I get confused defining happiness, I look at this picture and I could hear my daughter with the "real HAPPY FACE" whispering into my ears "daddy, don't you think happiness was much easier to define without those pillars, domains ...............and......... and....and I forgot the rest"


  1. what i have said about my Bhutanese artist friends is honestly how i feel,i have a son of my own- so i do know that SMILE, it is universal in children and some adults, unless misfortune has taken it away,it is a magical smile that can heal your Heart and Mind, can do wonders if you have the MINDSEYE to SEE the PURE LOVE and trust that smile projects, artists are not the only ones that can perceive this gift...i would hope every parent does, it is a great personal loss if they do not, truely, a rich treasure will be lost, a connection...

  2. i liked your article, you have articulated well, please keep it up.
