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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Blessed Rainy day Post (or Thrue Baap Post)

Picture Courtesy: Samten Wangdi
Thrue Baap (or the blessed rainy day) for Bhutanse is a very auspicious and sacred day. It is a day to cleanse both our body and mind from the sins we have committed both knowingly and unknowingly. People believe in taking bath with sanctified water with flowers. Bathing hours are however prescribed by astrologers. It is a day to cherish our bygone monsoon and welcome our much awaited autumn. Its the beginning of bountiful  autumn season! -the season of offering and season of thanksgiving!. All in all, its a day that merits happy celebration with full mirth. In Bhutanese calender, it also marks the end of rainy season for the year.

Back home, besides bathing, my family have a  tradition of visiting a temple on this day and make an offering. And more than that it used to be a happy family reunion too. I used to take my family to meet my relatives and siblings. We eat a lot and get drunk! and come home with lots of happy memories and nostalgic feelings. 

Since, I cound't be with my family this year, I thought it would be worthwhile for me to try and to put up a post worthy of thrue baap for my readers. 

You see, one year ago, I landed in a strange place called Gujarat. Without the slightest knowledge about the place, I felt the total strangeness in both place and the people. Trust me it is not an exaggeration. Hot, humid, dusty, messy and noisy, I disliked the place from the core of my heart. I felt immensely bitter and that I cursed not only the place but also the people who sent me here.  At times I found myself inconsolable and I longed to go home quick and swift. 

I suffered worst, when classes were taken in Gujarati medium. I felt suffocated and lost listening to a language which I knew nothing about. It was the testing time for my patience. But in between, when lectures were taken in English, it brought me much needed relief and respite. So when ever lectures were taken in Gujarati, I considered my self to a sinking duck in the water and to a floating duck when lecture resumed in English. 

And away from my college, people in the street, mall and shop gossip openly about me. Most of them mistook me for a Chinese guy. On seeing me they giggle at first and shout "Chingka" on top of their voice. For once I thought to myself that Chingkas are to most Gujaratis what toys are to kids. So I had that dying urge to learn their language and someday talk to them on equal terms.

Now in my second year here in Gujarat, I have not only learned to communicate at basic level, but I have also made a good progress in learning some Gujarati terms in Economics too. I feel I am not a sinking duck any more. I tell people not to gossip about me on their face. Check my Gujarati -Economics vocabulary :

Sl No  Gujarati Word Equivalent English Word 
1 Arth sans thra  Economics
2 Samtula  Equilibrium
3 Simanm  Marginal 
4 Khartz Cost
5 Mang Demand
6 Vikas  development 
7 Veshnikaran Globalization
8 Arthik  Finance
9 Jokham  Risk
10 Fer faro Change
11 Apekshath  Expectation
12 Upathpadan Productin
13 Vektheno Individual
14 Jayar Dev Public Debt
15 Jurwa mati  To see
16 Prayath  Available
17 Esteeth Neutral
18 Sangkalan  Integration
19 Tika  Criticisims
20 Miriadav Limitations
21 Purna Harifai Perfect Competition
22 Ijarat Harifai Monlpolistic Competition
23 Tafni Technology
24 Awakath  Income/ output
25 Rajai Sarkar State Government 
26 Dhana  Assumptions
27 Jakatnu  Tariff/ Customs Duty
28 Sudra  Ammendment
29 Jayar Shetra  Public Sector 
30 Purna fura  Reallocation
31 Isttam Optimum
32 Mahatum Maximum
33 Wage Vethan
34 Rent Bhadu
35 Profit Nafo
36 Saras Important
37 Juda different 
38 Juno Old
39 Muko Put
40 Acho-kas-tam Uncertainity
41 Policy Niti
42 Parman  Quantity
43 Samai Time
44 Purna Rozgar Full employment
45 Pragati progress
46 Achar  Constant
47 Bhagani Exogenous 
48 Lamba gara  Long run
49 Phugaw Inflation
            50               Ochu                                           Less
            51             Vadaro                                     Increase/grow 
These are commonly used words in my class. I can now proudly listen to my professors and node my head in satisfaction.  Believe me, I can also speak some sentences! This has surprised many of my class mates.

By the way, dear friends, I wish you all a very very happy blessed "rainy" day. May you all have a prosperous year ahead. 

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