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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's Result Time

G u j a r a t   U n i v e r s i t y
Exam.:Sem. 2 of                         Master of Arts    held in May-2012     
Seat No. :   1519    Name: THINLEY KUENZANG                                    
College: (020) USS         Centre: 01  Combination:           - 1-1600011      
                                              External           Internal      
                Subjects                   Max Min  Obt       Max Min  Obt     
----------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
Economics-407 Micro Economics-II            70  25   46        30  11   27     
Economics-408 Macro Economics-II            70  25   55        30  11   24     
Economics-409 Environmental Economics-II    70  25   61        30  11   24     
Economics-410 Managerial Economics-I        70  25   51        30  11   26     
Economics-411EA Q.M.E.-I                    70  25   59        30  11   27     
Economics-412EA Industrial Economics-I      70  25   55        30  11   27     
                                           420  --  327       180  --  155     
----------------------------------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
Enrol.No.: 201101900349                   Total: 482 /  600  Result:PASS       
                                          Result Date: 22-AUG-2012            

My results for second semester is out and honestly I am wordless. I am wordless for the fact that I have touched 80% for the first time in my academic life. Right now I am feeling on top of my world. An immense sense of satisfaction is making me dumb and deaf. I have worked hard like never before and I have achieved like never before! 

With this I would like to thank all my Professors who worked very unselfishly and untiringly. Without their dedicated guidance and support I would not have achieved this landmark result. I would also like to thank my senior friends Hema and Sonam for their help. 
Self with Previous Topper Hema.
Last but not the least, I would to extend my gratitude to my parents and my family for bearing my long absence. I dedicate this result to all of you. I thank Kunchok Sum, my principle guardian, Meme Ragula and all my other protective deities of Shingkhar. 


  1. Galey Tenzin9/12/2012 6:43 AM

    Congratulations, brother.

  2. Bravo Brother, Bravo

  3. congratulations sir.

    I m happy that u topped the exam la.

  4. Hearty congratulations to your achievement, sir. I can see how the feeling could be when you top an exam after competing with the Indians, which I consider brilliant in academics. Keep going. By the way, Monu has helped you with your blog template it seems. I was confused when I checked your blog because it looked same with his. I thought it was his but I was wrong. Keep updating.

  5. wow jigs your academic performance made me spell bound. excellent yeah !!! hope and pray that you would secure double of this in your forthcoming exam ............prayers
