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Monday, October 15, 2012

Listen To This Talented Singer From Bhutan

One thing that makes me feel prod about being Bhutanese is that we have many undiscovered talents in us. I honestly believe, we have gold in us!  Although our beautiful past could not provide us the opportunity to dig for them, with dynamic present, it gives me a genuine sense of feeling that, we are heeding to a promising future altogether  Be it academic, music, film, literature, art and culture, there are not many fields, where Bhutanese have not excelled!

Picture Courtesy: KBS TV S. Korea
Dechen during her performance
I think Dechen Wangmo's case stands as living testimonial to my statement. Just listen to her voice! you will know what Bhutanese are capable of.  It is little difficult to understand even with Google translator, but the way media in South Korea has gone to describe Dechen's performance, I think she has surely cast her spell of music  over there. If I am not wrong, Koran media has labelled Dechen as the "Queen of Music from Bhutan". Let us all give Dechen a huge round of our sincere and heartiest applaud ! 

You are an inspiration! and I thank you for that. I will definitely show your clips to my three daughters, and tell them to dream big and work hard to achieve big like Ashim Dechen.

I wish Dechen all the best in her life. And I hope to see her in Bhutan complementing our own beautiful talented. Namgay Jigs, Ugyen Panday, Minzuk, Jangchub, Jampel and many more.....

'If music be the food of love" then we have people like Dechen to play on and on. May god Bless Dechen in her endeavor. 

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