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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How Green Are My Thumbs

Its dead winter here in Ahmadabad. And as I said earlier, the weather has fairly turned cold. I have to now use blankets, wear jackets and muffle my neck to keep myself warm. But one thing that surprises me most is that we have more chirping birds this time than we had them in spring and summer combined. 

Winter time for students like me also mean that we have exam to write. These are some the most anxious moments of my life and I honestly hate them. Call it last minute or final minute, it demands a lot of preparation and perspiration. But thanks to the power of Indian democracy, we were able to convince the university officials to finally postpone our exams by a month. And for now I can relax a bit and indulge myself into my amateur hobbies. -Photography and gardening.

Today for the benefit of my regular readers, I even took picture of the plants that I have planted in my room. I am testing the greenness of my thumbs! As you can see, I have planted many plants already. Among them is my money plant which is over a year old but still adamantly refusing to grow. I  have done all the possible thing to heighten its growth. I replaced the red and infertile sandy soil with black and humus rich soil. I watered them and tended its roots. But sadly after a week of my constant care and attention, I saw its three precious leaves turned golden yellow! It was disheartening but I dint give up. As you can see, I have now placed it in a very special pot, the rice cooker!

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