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Monday, December 24, 2012

Happiness is Here and Now

If it were a sacred mantra, - like the mani, by now I would have already recited it millions. Perhaps even billions! It would have already warranted me a seat in Nirvana among the Buddhas! -This mantra called "Exams are boring" never seems to go away from my mind.

I know, by saying this, I am also speaking the minds of million who, like me are simply slogging, just to write this boring thing called exams. But for now let us just say that exams are simply boring. 

Well today morning, I just finished my first paper of the third semester. It was by far the craziest pattern of paper I have ever attempted. Seventy marks in three hours sound reasonable. Eight questions each worth seven marks sounds even nicer. Fourteen multiple choice questions, -cool!.

But, guys I had a bitter moment today. I simply found the paper too lengthy. I used all my the summary skills but still I nearly took an hour answering fourteen marks! I think I knew too much ..ha ha ha ........seriously, I do not know, who got the wrong skills. The person who have set the exam paper or me, -the super summary writer. LOL.

Anyways, it was hell writing for three hours. I have five more such papers to write. And, yea I can already see many boring days ahead. Wish me good luck friends. 

By the way I wish all my friends around the world, a very happy happy Christmas. May 2013 bring lot of success and smiles in your life. I dedicate this song to all of you. Please check the clip below.

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