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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Something about Bhutan and Gujarat

I have a friend whose mom is a School Principal here in Gujarat. She told me that her mom actually wanted me to be the Chief Guest for her School's upcoming function. She wanted me to say few words about Gujarat and Bhutan. But unfortunately I have exams to write next week. So I was asked to record a message for the function. I wrote the following message. I even bought tripod for my camera so that I can video tape it and send it. I created a mini studio in my room but I bitterly failed to speak in front of camera. I tried the whole day, but simply couldn't get it......... God! I never thought speaking in front of camera could be that difficult. Please read my short message anyways.

Kemcho and hello to you all.

First up, I am sorry for not being able to join you all on this event. 

I am Kuenzang from a country, much smaller than your state. its called Bhutan. It is a beautiful country in the Himalayas  whose major population constitutes Buddhist people.

Our country became full-fledged democracy  in 2008. We call it  a Constitutional Democratic Monarchy, which is quite similar to the form of Government they have in England. They have queen, but we have our King. We,Bhutanese revere him as a symbol of  our unity.

Our country is the first country to adopt Happiness as the development policy. Our previous King said Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross national Product. No doubt, It became very popular. But, today this statement is often misinterpreted. Many people think Bhutan is the happiest country and Bhutanese, the happiest people on earth. It is not like that. We do have many challenges and obstacles before us. But despite all these challenges, we are one country who firmly believes that happiness is still possible.

What’s common in us? Love for peace, Spiritualism, innocent people and tasty food including products of amul.

Thanks to Gujarat & Anand, we have most of the Amul products in our country. Today people of Bhutan wouldn’t fancy a meal without Amul Cheese and tea without Amul Taza. Thanks Amul and Thank to the pioneers of Amul Dairy.

All the Best

Aavajo. Bhutan ma tamaru swagat chhe.


  1. I know how difficult it would be speak infront of a camera. I had this experience when Pema sir asked me to speak about my book when it was realeased on 2 May 2011, so that he can have news in BBS, but I was laughing more than speaking. It is damn hard really.
    Anyways you have written a beautiful message la. Love it, lovely.

  2. wow wat a speech jigs ..honestly wud love to own this speech of yours ....a speech which wud be remembered for a lifetime ..i swear ya ..

  3. There is no match to Narandra Modi either in the Regional Level nor in the National Level. India is in the need of many many Modi's for the sake of this Nation. Let the Congress start to pack up all their illegally got things and leave this Country by the Next General Elections once for all.

  4. RAJ (USA) 9 mins ago
    Modi's victory is a blg slap to verbalizing specialist Rahul and Sonia. Modiji has earned this victory with his intelligent, pramatic, progressive and passionate work for Gujrat. This short of action is out of love and passion for Gujrat and its people. Modiji loves India, its ancient culture and Modiji is the most perfect candidate for PM of India. Sonia loves her matrubhumi Italy 1000 times more than her karmabhumi India because many ignorant mass of India gave her not deserved fame, power, position and wealth without doing anything for India in a real sense. Sonia and Rahul came to Gujrat to hurt Gujrat by talking negative about Modiji but their Gobble style lies did not work in the past in UP and Bihar and now in Gujrat

  5. Arrogant is one of the primary weakness of human and it can be happened to all of us. Arrogant is also one of demon habits which started when the decline to bow upon Adam AS. Life is about caring each other and helping who’s needed. If human continually breed the arrogant inside them, hatred will rise and destroy humanity. What will happen to us if people all around us are arrogant?

    History has recorded many failures because of arrogant. Pharaoh, King of Egypt confess himself as a god that must be obeyed and he also confess that he can bring dead to life and take life. When Pharaoh debating against Musa A.S about his ability to give or takes life, he ask two of his man two come. He kills one of them and left the other unharmed. After that he said to Musa A.S “Do I look like your god, able to brings and takes life”. However, can pharaoh bring back the life of the man that he kills?

    Today, we can see a people are very arrogant. Most of them did not realize that there is someone powerful. They do thing that they wanted ignoring other people all around them. As a result, people around them suffered. Arrogant affect us in many aspect such as mental, physical and emotion. They do have high self-esteem but they never felt so humble and this make them being hated by other people. We cannot stay together or make friend with people like this because they really don’t understand what the true meaning of friendship.

    We look deep into ourselves and this is how we remind ourselves that there is nothing to be arrogant. We born to this world in the same way and we have our own believe. If we believe our god than there is no reason why should we be arrogant? We must feel humble when we dealing with other people. Humble is a respect to another people and this will make them comfortable with us.
