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Monday, January 21, 2013

All Autowallas In Gujarat are Not Chacha Jii

Its nearing midnight here in Gujarat. Except the few honking cars, the atmosphere outside is relatively calm. Not many Auto rickshaws were seen plying today because they have called a strike. I think the city road looks much beautiful and decent without those Rickshaws. May be they should be on strike forever!!! 

Personally, I have a very bad experience with Autowalls here in Gujarat. I think 99.99% of them are nothing but a cheat.  A big cheat. They cheat foreigners and they cheat locals. That is why people bargain a lot with Autowalls. Even for a Paisa. I do the same too. I would't even spare a Paisa for a cheat. I mean who would?

Very recently, I have attended a convention where a famous Gujarati Personalities spoke including the Chief Minister. They spoke a lot about the trust worthiness of the Gujaratis. I have heard them extol Gujaratis the way I have never seen before. But the saddest irony was that, I and my friend got cheated the very moment we got out from the convention hall by none other than Autowalla! He charged us more than the double amount. [I later found out that he charged us Rs.600/- for a journey which would otherwise cost us Rs 250/- at the most]

And yea here is another interesting story about  that Autowalla. En route, we ordered some sugar cane juice. A glass each. We also ordered one for him too. But When my friend was paying the bill, I over heard the Autowalla telling the vendor to charge more from him. I think he grossly underestimated our ability to understand Gujarati.  However, I know that Gujaratis in general are business minded people but not greedy like our Autowalla. 

By the way, I will write about an Autowalla, a real Gujarati Autowalla in my coming post. Autowalla that never cheats. At least on me and my Bhutanese friends. We all lovingly call him Chacha Jii.


  1. And please post a bold and beautiful picture of Chacha Ji! Would love to see the man who chose to live truthfully among thousand cheats!

  2. Nice one. Lets hear abt chacha jii soon.
