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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2013

I had the privilege of attending a Vibrant Gujarat summit in Gandinagar on 13.01.2013. To know more, please search on google. By the way, here are some of the pictures that I took during the summit. More than the summit, I am personally happy to see those famous Gujarati personalities in person. It was truly an honor being among them in the same hall. 

Chief Minister of Gujarat, Shri Narendra Modi.

At the moment he seems to be the man and face of Gujarat. I have not many words that would fittingly describe him. He  has already won the state elcetion with with huge margin of votes. After having listened to him for nearly an hour, I came to know why he matters in Gujarat and in the entire Indian subcontinent. I wish him and Gujarat, all the best. 

By the way, I liked his story about how the Indian snake charmers. The magicians who have now "degererated" and have become people who play with mouse. He also shared a story about an ordinary Indian who talked face-to-face with, the then President of USA, Mr. Bil Clinton. Sorry for not being  able to understand his story in full. (he spoke in more in Gujarati and Hindi)

Disciple Lord Somya Vivek Anand.

I am simply inspired ! Let me recollect some of his words: Simplicity, humility, honesty, charity, integrity, ...Ooohhh god! I forgot most of them. But I am still inspired. Please help me recollect his name.

Author; Mr. Chetan Bhagat

In his face and from his words, I was able convince myself that 'winners don't do different things, they do things differenttly'. He is one of the most influential person in India at the moment. I am thinking that perhaps, it was through his books that he has reached that height. But before that, Chetan had many stories of his own downfalls too. Neverthelss he is, as proclaimed by himslef "not the best author but the best selling author". What more can we expect than this?  

But on the lighter note, I lied to him, when he asked: "how many of you read my book Five point someone?" I raised my hand. To tell the truth, I have a watched "3 idiots" over hundred times already and I did not find the need to read the book that tells the same story. But I would like to assure, Chetan, that I am definitely going to read his "Revolution 2020". Very soon. 

Here is a Chess Champ who hails from Gujarat. 
But I feel like stragling myself....I forgot her name!

I play chess too, but on my computer. I play level one and I have to press (ctrl+z) over hundred times to win the game comfortabley. When the sports Minister of Gujarat introduced her to the audience, I went speechless. It took me a while to come back to my snese.  She is beautiful. Ok. She is attractive Still Ok. But defeated 150 competitors simultanesoulsy to become the world chess champion!!!! That was a BIG WOOOWW. I am envious...kidding!.... Honestly, I would like to congratulate her from the bottom of my heart. Some day I wish I could talk to her in person and learn her tactics too. 

Mr. Suhas Gopinatth.

Have you ever heard a boy who at the age of 14, failed in his school test, but had all the potential of becoming the CEO of a multi million dollar company? If not, then here is one boy form Gujarat. Banglore, Suhas Gopinath. At the moment he is 26 years old but have gone to become the World's youngest CEO. I would like to read more about this CEO in my coming days. What do you think? 

Ha Ha Finally, a man in balck blazer from Bhutan. That is me. Customs officer by profession and blogger & reader by passion. Someday dreaming to become Writer, Teacher and Economist...... Perhaps, I am dreaming the most impossible things in my life. 

By the way, I met the most handsome looking senior citizen of Gujarat. As I passed him, he asked me, where I am from and what brought me to Gandinagar. I told him the truth. We became friends instantly. I took some fantastic pictures with him.  After he was long gone, a thought struk my mind. I should have asked his address and send him the picturers. So if any Gujarati people know his address please email  me @ I wanted to send him the pictures and write to him. I wanted to remain as his friend forever.


  1. Mr customs officer you got it wrong, Suhas Gopinath is not from Gujrat; he belongs to Bangalore.

    however yu seem to be vibrantly young Bhuti...

  2. after having listened and seen Shri Narendra Modi's interaction with his people I have come to the conclusion that Bhutanese Politicians has long way to go.
    He was so humble yet very assertive. He has clear goal for Gujarat and he also knows that without youth it is impossible to achieve. So he motivates them through his talks.
    Every word that he spoke was endorsed with clap from the audience. Kids hug him.Take photograph with him. At one point,it seemed like,he doesn't belong to himself but to the people.
    He is by truly a leader.

  3. Mr. Chetan Bhagat, I read few pages of his books thanks to Mr.Kezang and Tshering. But this time thanks to custom sir.
    The humiliation of failure 10 times that he went through did not stopped him nor did his success. He also mentioned many successful writer brood on their past success and never move forward. In a nutshell the message was clear that you can't simply bask in the previous success if you want to survive as a successful person. No one time hero.
