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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Doing Whatever Possible With My Two Hands

Past few weeks has been the most stressful days of my life. I was dead busy writing and rewriting, typing and retyping my final project work. I have tried with all my means and resources to come up with a good report. No matter what, I always wanted to make my guide happy with my level of progress. As a person who believe in giving the best and leaving the rest, submitting a quality report was my top priority. 

And finally, I have submitted my project. My guide showed me his sense of satisfaction. All I can say is that he looked happy for the that I was able to write more than hundred pages in just two months. I feel like an ox from whose neck the yoke is being removed. I am feeling much lighter and more relaxed now. Although I felt defeated at times, I feel in the end that it was an enterprise worth undertaken. 

I feel the warm blood filled with sense of satisfaction flow through my spinal cord. I feel like going on the roof top, shout on top of my voice and tell the the world that "I am finally done with my Project" At this time of year, walking in Gujarat is not so pleasing. Especially during the day time, soaring temperature can drain all your fluids and make you flaccid. Some people faint and some suffer form heat stroke. But thanks to almighty god, I was fortunately able to complete my project that demanded lot of walking in this unforgiving hot days of Gujarat.

Now when I look back, I feel my memories exploding. Its combination of bitter, sweet and sour. Basically its a combination of all the tastes. There were times wherein I wished I were like Chak Tong Chen Tong. Totally messed up and disorganized, I felt totally lost in between my own lines. At one point of time my Tsawai Lama told me to do whatever possible with my two hand and stop wishing about Chak Tong Chen Tong. Perhaps he was right.

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