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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Time to Wear My Uniform

After two years, I am now preparing to wear my uniform, once again. This time I am going to wear the trousers and shirts sewed by experts in Ahmedabad. I hope I look like a law enforcer and not like a joker anymore. I also hope that my ranks on the shoulder do not create any confusion in the eyes of on lookers.

So in my preparation for the moment, I went to have a fitting hair cut. But to my amazement, entire Bondey town just had one barber. However after having waited for more than an hour, I was able to have my hair clipped in army style.

Sadly when I got home, my look disheartened Nima, my youngest daughter. She was so mad that she started crying. She wanted my hair back and she wanted it long, lush and silky. In her rage she started shouting at me and said I look Like Azha Lengo. She told me to keep away from her. 

Back in my office, we had a brief meeting. We call it a weekly staff meeting. Chaired by our head, we mostly discussed about ways to improve our service delivery in airport. Although its very difficult for us, (as Custom officials) to draw a line between the 'control' and 'facilitation' we prefer calling it as a service. The out come of the meeting was that officers including my self got an assignment. 

In a week time, I am entrusted to develop a profile of Customs and excise section of Regional Revenue and Customs office, Paro. As a blogger, most of my friends think that I am good at writing. One thing they over looked is that I am a blogger, a random blogger. I write 'junks' and not good 'profiles'. But anyways I am now set to give my best. 

And come July and  I will be heading a cargo section of airport customs. For now, I am waiting for the dawn to break. Because I have a new uniform set, well ironed hanging on my hanger. 

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