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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Some Similarities Between the Korean and Bhutanese Architecture

I took the pictures below in Suwon, another city in South Korea south of Seoul city. All the pictures are in the vicinity of King Jungjio's palace. By the way King Jungjio was the 22nd King of the Joseon Dynasty. The guide told me that King has been the most powerful and popular king of all time. However he lived a troubled personal life because of his political rivals. Surprisingly, the rival was his own grandmother, who was just 16 yrs old that time. The place is full of history.   

Most of the structures, I was told were rebuilt after being destroyed. Once in Korean war one by the invading forces of Japan. It is now UNESCO heritage site. 

Long time ago, Suwon city looked something like this

Look at the paintings. I find it so Bhutanese 


  1. I attended the history lesson by Dasho Karma Ura some months ago here in Thimphu. He says, much of our Architecture has the influence of a chinese king whose influence, as per him, i place on korean traditional architecture. NIce photographs la

  2. so if you need to know about Pre construction please check my website.
