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Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Well what can I say now? 2013 is gone for good. All I can see around are few crazy people, seemingly busy with their mobile phones sending each other an endless new year wishes. some too lazy to type their own, are seen forwarding the very messages they received from others. I think some people are welcoming the new year with anything but with a plagiarism without a guilt.

As for me, I am here in my office contemplating and mediating as to how to perform better in my coming days. I am equally wondering whether I would be able to live up to the expectations of my superiors. I am once again in my old office, receiving more phone calls and favors than the New Year gifts. My much anticipated 'thing about transfer' have finally come to nothingness, teaching me a lesson that everything including the words are emptiness. It taught me a lesson of life because in life our problem are ours own. Look for solutions within before. Disappointments are a great teachers and its worthwhile getting hurt once in a while. 

But for now its not time to write about despair and disappointments. It’s not even time to look back at things that struck us like poisoned arrows and caused miseries. But rather it’s time for us to look forward to so many beautiful things that we have in store. It’s time to heal the pains and mend the cracks of past. It’s time to thank whoever for making us thus far. It’s time for us to seek inspiration. Divinity is far but we can always strive to be humans at the least. 

And befitting to mark the New Year, I was in Thimphu to offer Tashi Khadar to our new Director. I felt delighted beyond my words to be a part of crowd. After standing in queue for few minutes, it was finally my turn to unfurl the white scarf before my boss. Unlike others before me who choose to silently offer khadar, I really wanted to say few words. I wanted to say "Tashi delek" to him. It was also my desire to convey good wishes and greetings on behalf of my colleagues who couldn't make for the event. But no sooner did I offer my Khadar then he gave me a tight hug that sent me melting in my gho. I felt gagged and not many words other than "Tahsi Delek" came out from me. I then came to realize that words are less when heart is full. As I wrote in my earlier post I am happy beyond my words to have him as our leader. I am confident that he will set us all right. For now, let’s all wish him good luck. 

after a sumptuous lunch, I drove back to Paro with my partner Tashi. To our relief, the day was warm with lot of sunshine. As we drove back we thanked Sun for the warmth. Few more miles and we soon forgot how two of us struggled in a heater less car of my father-in-law in the freezing morning. We reached Paro in good condition. As we came out of the car, I thanked my partner for bearing my rough driving. 

Before I end this Post, I would like to write little about the wonderful dinner my partner hosted for me. That evening, my kind partner, his beautiful wife, their handsome son and thier talented maid treated me like a king. I never knew that alau parata went that well with curd, beef curry and ezzay. After I dined to my fill, I thought that those chefs on TLC channel were not much better than my partner's family in terms of cooking. So thank you partner for the wonderful evening.

And yea, Dear friends, I wish you all the very best in 2014. Thank you all for finding time to read my ramblings. 


  1. Happy New Year PSN! Wish you all the best in everything that you do! Hope a brighter day and more happiness this year! Keep writing!
