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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tulip called "Queen of Bhutan"

I don't know from where I got the seeds, but it took me and my family, an agonizing 6 months to finally see this plant bloom to its fullness. Few notorious rat nearly devoured the plant in its sprouting stage. You can very well see the remains of damage on the tip of its leaves. Meanwhile I heard about how one of my neighbor mistook the seeds for an onion. She used it in Emadatsi curry! Its non poisonous, I believe.

Anyways , Queen of Bhutan tulip has its origin in Netherlands. Through Kuensel archive, I came to know that it was named as queen of Bhutan and then handed over to Bhutan in 2012. Lyonpo Dago Tshering had these words to describe the flower; "the tulip is indeed a beautiful flower of grace, warmth and radiance of Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan". Who would doubt his words! 

Here are few more facts about the Flower: (if you are an expert, help me out with more details)
Name of the Flower Queen of Bhutan
Class of Flower Tulip
Origin Netherlands
Grown by:
Fluwel (Dutch flower company)
Commemorate the Royal Wedding in October 2011 and Bhutan-Netherlands friendship
Apperance of the Seed Looks more like an Onion.

If you want to try your green thumb with 'Queen of Bhutan Tulip", seeds are available in Paro airport (in a Handicraft shop. Let me tell you this; packages are autographed by Her majesty the Queen of Bhutan.

As for Price, I think I will keep it as a surprise package.


  1. It is as beautiful as our Gyaltsuen indeed. Netherlands is more appropriate I guess. Nederlands is the Dutch name for Netherlands. It is also name of several villages it seems. Just saying. :)

  2. Beautiful flower, your pictures and the way you wrote made it even more beautiful. I guess we should give it our own Bhutanese name 'Jetsun Meto' . hehe ......
    Unfortunately i don't have a green thumb :(

  3. Thanks for the comment Langa and Dawa.

    As for Dawa, I too do not have a green thumb, but i tried and I am happy to tell you that it came up so well.. so get a seed and try once. you might never know,..... till then have a nice day guys

  4. where is it available in thimphu? any idea...

  5. I wonder how would have the emadatshi tasted with that seed....
    lovely usual...
