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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Woochu Naktsang

Every morning I open my window curtains, I see the majestic Woochu Naktsang. I helplessly see the same structure while closing same in the evening.  Although inhabited by none, there is certainly an air of awe about the building. Its awesome !  The sheer size of the structure tells us that it was once a dwelling place of an aristocrat of the region. As such Woochups are known for their legendary blacksmith skills. The unrivaled quality of knives, spades, sickles and daggers etc produced by the craftsmen of Woochu are still the most sought after products in the region. So, I am just imagining that it must have once housed a master craftsman of Woochu. 

Some years ago, the wind storm seems have done (an irreparable) damage to the roof. Since then,  the structures was seen loosing its luminosity. The harsh weather I believe is doing the rest. The beams and window frames are seen rooting and so is the mud wall. Season by season, it is getting eroded. Some sorts of wild leguminous plants have already started growing on the walls and it will not be long when the majestic walls will bear cracks. The structure is now on the brink of becoming an antique piece. 

                                       Woochu Naktsang in 2009                                                          Woochu Naktsang in 2014                                                 
But there is a history behind this place. It was once a hostel for students of the Woochu School. It belonged to Ministry of Education and it used to be looked after by Paro Dzongkhag. But when the care is need most, it remains neglected. Elsewhere, people are going homeless and to see majestic structure fall to ashes before our own eyes is something unbelievable. It makes an average observer like me helplessly wonder. 

Little bit of renovation from the Ministry of Education and this building could be of enormous use to people like Passu. I believe Mr. Passu has already collected enough rural artifacts. If I am not mistaken, he needs some space, a good one to now showcase them. Located in the heart of ancient woochu village, I think it will be a ideal place. If my wild imagination proves right, this building, I believe have the potential of becoming another museum in Paro. National Education Museum on Rural Bhutan. Ha ha ha Passu, Just think over. (its just 5 am hare in airport, and I am going wild with all sorts of imagination) 

Woochu Village and the Woochu Naktsang as on 02/06/2014
Longtime ago, sometime in 2006 I used to get dead scared walking around this place. Many people told me that its another haunted house. Its inhabitants are all believed to have gone extinct. But recent stories from the local says otherwise.

To be continued.......................

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