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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ignorance of law is no excuse.

If there is one thing that is all time controversial than it's got to be a thing of election (at least here in Bhutan). And we have all seen it and heard about it enough. Starting from the general election in 2008 to the election of Thrompons', (so called the city mayors) in 2010. We already saw how the loosing and unhappy PDP supporters came to His Majesty's office for consolation just like the looser in mayors election that dragged the winning opponent to the Royal court of justice. 

The upcoming local government election seems no different altogether. We are in its initial stage and it’s all been marred with acquisitions and counter acquisitions already.  Most of the previous party workers, who are dying to run for the office, are LEGALLY being disqualified by the office of the election commission as per the existing laws of the land. It is even more interesting to note that they being supported by all  the ruling party, national council and the opposition party. But why? 

Most of the contestants have pleaded their innocence about the existing law, but then the ignorance or innocence of law is no excuse. It is universal and should be applied equally among all the citizens of the land, starting from a monk who ignorantly brought in tobacco worth Nu 90, only to be labeled as smuggler and thence sentenced to non bailable prison term of three years to those 90 or so candidates who even went to the extent of distracting His Majesty.

The election rules say that the person should have been delisted from the party list and a person should have been apolitical for at least one year. But then what is the logic behind this and what difference will it make even if it says 3 years and for that matter 5 years? We are all human being and we are all bonded by a thing called attachment. To give you simple example; during my high school days, I used to be the house captain for Red house. My house was later declared as champion house in overall rating. That was some 14 years ago. Today, I still go to school to either drop my daughter or pick her up. I always tell her to be in red house and that her house should win. This, I think is called human attachment and are common in all the normal human beings.

 In similar manner, what guarantee do we have to say and believe that those (once party workers) will exercise their duties apolitically and transparently, should they be allowed to contest in the upcoming election and go on to win the same? Are the claims like people not willing to contest for the upcoming election realistic? If so, then why do we have this problem of unemployment?  

This is the time we all use our wisdom and be judicious in exercising our franchise. Apolitical should mean cent percent apolitical. This needs no further deliberation, because as much as we as a citizen deserve apolitical national council, apolitical civil servants, apolitical clergy, we also deserve that much apolitical local Government as stated by law too. 

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