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Monday, May 16, 2011

My vague recollection of how I fell for football.

The spring is in the air and so are lads in the ground. The grasses are sprouting and are blooming with flowers. Birds are singing their hearts out with the break of dawn and so are ants on the ground scurrying and bees buzzing around. It’s once again a season for any living organisms to rejuvenate and celebrate the homecoming of warm breeze and sprinkling rain yet another time.

Personally speaking, of the four seasons we have in calendar, spring is undoubtedly the most pleasant season of all. Name any activity and the season is favorable for it, including the soccer game, that is played mostly when the weather is warm and less windy.

In line with the statement above, I did make my appearance in the soccer ground after a period of eight dry and dusty months (on 15th May 2011). It was my pleasure being there with my limbs fit and healthy, just as my body, healthy and stable.

Mind you I am not a even a mediocre soccer player. But I have a love for this game which is even bigger than the love Messi, Rooney, Fabragas, Ronaldo and Beckham have for it. I am the biggest of all the bigger fans when it comes to soccer!

There were times in my distant past, where, when I ran away or disappeared altogether in the games periods. The reasons were simple. I couldn’t afford a sports shoes and other sports wears like track suits. During my high school days, those were not a mere necessity but were an item of luxury and style.

Having spent my entire 1999 year watching it either on TV or in my neighborhood, I learned the most important rules of the games like off-side, corner, penalty kick, dead ball, drop ball, hand ball, D-box, red card, yellow card,  free kick and the difference between the league round and the knockout round.

It was until I reached my 12th grade that I got the opportunity to play the game I long admired and loved. I was first considered into my class team as a substitute. Playing game on the basis of substitute was the most boring thing and I didn’t like the idea at all. So I decided to withdraw from the team for good. Then, few of my friends who actually formed the team gave me the most important role in the game; -the goal keeper. 

I would often practice all day long to catch those bouncing balls, rolling balls, crossing balls, looping balls and most of all, those shooting balls only to fail miserably when it was show time. How true, if you weren’t with horse when young, you will never know to saddle it when you are old. I was more of a liability for my team but my friends would never drop me for that, so I continued with my flop show all through.

Today the game has become a sort of priority for me and I play whenever I am being included in the team.  I play it more so in the interest of physical exercise. Of late, I have come to realize that playing game for the good of health is one thing and winning, quite another.

Lastly, over a period of time, I have become a multi talented soccer player (please don't laugh). I play both defensive and offensive in any position. I also play as right and left wing. Playing in the position of strike force is what I like but most of the team I play with say I am little too immature to play in the position. 

1 comment:

  1. :)....actually i had the laughter reading about how you have become multi talented players....:)....

    football is one god damn thing that i love no matter i am good at it or i just sulk....its sth that has become very much a part of life..:)
