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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Passing my bloggerly love to all who inspired me into this blogging (writing) world.

  1. Passang Tshering
  2. Kinga Choden
  3. Dawa Tshering
  4. Yeshi Dorji
  5. H.E Lyonpo Tshering Tobgay
  6. Dorji Wangchuk
  7. Namgay Wangchuk
  8. Lethro
  10. Sogyel Tobgyel
  11. My Boss, Mr. Yonten Namgyel, Regional Director, RRCO, Paro
  12. Jurmi Chhowing
 With all the inspiration I drew form you all, today I have in my credit some 67 odd articles authored by me. some even got published in papers like Journalists and Bhutan Times. (Free of cost). I thank you all for inspiring me to also write.  Thanks you all once again..


  1. Thanks For Tagging Me Kuenzang... And May Your Blossoming Blossom.

    Love The Part "I have in my credit some 67 odd articles authored by me. some even got published in papers like Journalists and Bhutan Times. (Free of cost)."

    Keep Writing And You Will Get Paid! Cheers & Prayers, Jurmi Chhowing

  2. While it is a great pleasure me having enlisted in your bloggers inspiration award, yet you are also a great source of inspiration for me in keeping my pace of writing going. Thak you very much.

  3. Hi, Doro:
    Thanks a lot. It's a mutually inspirational inspiration. I visit your blog and read each blog post. Several times I've commented too using a name that's not mine and as an Anon.

    I can't think of anyone who can rival you for the award.

    Keep up and keep writing.

    Best regards,

  4. Thank you all, for inspiring me to this writing world Once again. you all taught me to bring forth, all the love i had for writing......

    I feel i am on a mission now to bring as many articles as possible, perhaps a book or two in future. Please friends, i need your support and prayers.........
    love you all and thanks you all once again.
