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Sunday, May 22, 2011

How a Commoner sees and thinks about common things.

Think and Rethink, you will feel the difference
I am an ordinary man. So I think like one and act like one. I am neither born maestro nor made master. Therefore my thinkings and perspectives are always mundane and are at times, unintelligible. Having said that, I wouldn't want to keep my feelings for myself alone, so here I am to share all my mundanely feelings with all my readers. 

For easy reference, let us now look at some of the things at are visible to our naked eyes and those that  doesn't require any statistical findings and mathematical calculations to prove it. But I warn you, that this is not a detailed report though!

We are all a proud citizen of Bhutan. (and even more proud, because we are developing country) Over a period of time, there has been a rampant urbanization process taking place all over the country. This process has really come as a boon for those few who have the luxury of either inheriting or the means to acquire, an ever appreciating and scarce natural resource called the Land. 

With this, let us not forget that our world at large is not only being faced with a problem of food insecurity, drought and inflation but we are also equally being challenged by our newly invented problems like balanced diets and recipe of a healthy life stuffs .

Today if we look carefully, almost all our cultivable land are either being converted to industrial estate or a construction hub when our policy makers are all busy talking about self reliance in terms of cereals and other oil crops (by 2008). With the current phase of urbanization, we will only take few more years before we could see all our cultivable land being engulfed either for the construction of house or for roads. 

Then, with our representatives at the helm of their power has given us a Law, -which mjority thinks is the most controversial law in the history of our civilization ("Tobacco Control Act of Bhutan 2010") of which scholars and lay man have equally  voiced their concerns. There were many who supported it but more many who opposed it vehemently. Few of the act chauvinist deemed it necessary because they felt the smokers and tobacco consumers are polluting the clean environment and are being anti Buddhist. The idea seems not Bad!

But what about the doma munchers? We sincerely think that, as much as nonsmokers deserve clean air, (free of tobacco smoke) I think the tobacco consumers also deserve that mush clean wall,  clean dustbin, clean pillars, clean posts, clean window panes, clean corner and to the extent possible clean streets.   

 More so, in more equal and more democratic manner, what about the boozers? As much as the tobacco smokers and doma munchers are deemed havoc, boozers in reality are double the havoc in comparison. Apart form distorting the social harmony in numerous ways, boozers are shameless animals at their worst. Thier uncontrolled action in public often makes me think that  they deserve to be  trailed for public indecency.

Sadly, there are some who fortunately or unfortunately does not fall in any of the category mentioned above. Can they be called as a middle class freaks? They are not munchers, not puffers and not boozers but they are the real silent middle class commoners. They are the dreamers and they are the builders of castle in the air. They are the ones who define the terminology of luxury and necessities in general. 

Of late, with public transportation services still in their dusty infancy, if not for jazzy land cruisers and showy Prado, owning a thing of Alto car, Ford Figo, i10, i20 etc have become their fancy. But how sad, their mouths are soon planked by the revision of car tax (although it stands null now). They were denied their right to pollute their per capita of clean air, clean surroundings and clean atmosphere altogether!

So the bottom line here is, before we can have a another set of funny and punkier rules and regulation, (like P/ling Thrompon and his plan of making people wear gho and kira mandatory in sweating and dusty town, if true) why can't we all do some serious rethinking, redefining, researching, re-looking so that we as a commoner at least realize that the common sense is something that we as a commoner sometimes tend to over look.

What do you say? "Now, If you Have it, then pen it "


  1. Hi Kuenzang, Keep writing, Nobody's thoughts, no matter how mundane, is unimportant. At the end of the day, every person who desires to write, has something to contribute for the betterment of himself/herself and society.

    Your thoughts reflect a conscientious person who cares about his country, his environment (surroundings) and what his happening to the world @ large.

    Nice piece :)

  2. Thanks Sonam for your valuable feedback. please keep visiting and keep commenting, (if u have time)
