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Saturday, July 9, 2011

A Brief Description of Daddy's Daughters

 Peldhen Yangzom Thinley:

Born in lunar year of dog, (2006) she has a true character of dog person; -lovely, caring, sweet, warm and at times aggressive and violent. At five, she is a child that lives in the fantasy world of Tom & Jerry, pink panther, Mr. Bean, Chota Bhim, Chutke, Dolo Bolo, Gaju, Raju, Kalia, Scooby duo, and Gale gale sim sim.

She thinks it’s not wrong to eat ice creams in winter; therefore ice cream consumption for children should not be restricted to only summer season. She knows chocolates are bad for her teeth, but OK to eat them once in a while.

In her recent past, She was a child that fell for everything that came in yellow color; -yellow ribbon, yellow ball, yellow garments, yellow sandals, yellow socks and yellow shoes. She even talked of buying a fancy yellow car in future.  But now, she hates the idea of having anything in yellow because her madam taught her that “yellow yellow dirty fellow”

Her unusually think hair makes her head look very big. But with her mother’s dedicated hair dressing skills, she thinks it’s also OK to have an unusually think hair too.

Just like she doesn’t like sharing her cloths, she doesn’t like mingling with strangers too.

Sonam Dechen Thinley:

At three, she is more of a crying machine. She starts her day with aloud cry and ends her day the same way.  She is very emotional and sensitive child. Therefore even a sad incident in the TV can bring tears in her eyes and make her sob throughout.

Unlike her sister, she doesn’t fancy eating anything that taste sweet. But she thinks mushroom deluxe pizza is as good as medicine that cures her headache. She is a little girl who talks big. Anything in pink color is just OK for her. 

With a unique 4 dimples on her face, she thinks she has no qualm of becoming Miss Bhutan One day. Of the four dimples, two are prominently visible even while crying, whereas the other two becomes only visible while eating and laughing.

Nima Seldon Thinley:

At 1.5 years, she is the center of attraction in the family. To her sisters' envy, her cute looking face with a faint little dimple on both side, does the entire trick of drawing the family attentions. She walks nonstop and climbs undeterred. She often climbs on TV to put it off.  

At this age, she even knows that opening fridge is always worthwhile. While shopping, she thinks all the commodities displayed on the stalls of the shop are a thing of free distribution. She is a child who thinks that the self servicing is the best service. With no rest room discipline, she is the main messing machine in the house. 


  1. aue choe gi bum tsu ga ra jarim jarim du :)) wish them all the very very best in life muaah

  2. They are bunch of cute little beautiful daughters.
    I really adore their dimples.

  3. awww your description of your three beautiful princess reflects that you are the most caring , loving and above all the most deserving father in the whole world .............really i sud say that you and kinley are the worlds richest and luckiest parents. congrats !!! you have a beautiful world ,god bless your world ...all my prayers.
