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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I am Being Warned for Questioning My MP!

5th July 2011. This morning, I called up my father. He said he is recovering from his illness. In convincing me about his recovery, he even told me about his progress in making over 100 rounds around our village Lhakhang. Like wise, I talked with my mother and she said she is doing equally fine. As a son, I took this good news over all possible good news.

At home. Before I came to my office, I woke up my daughters from their bed and made them wash their face and clean themselves. And during our breakfast time, I told them to be good girls. I also told them not to mess our  house and their cloths and overburden their grandma (my mother-in-law).  Finally I came to  my office after kissing all my three daughters and promising them a plenty of choms in the evening. In very customary manner, my loving and affectionate wife saw me off at the door and reminded me of my "sensitive" job. She told me to take care.

Few hours into my duty, my immediate boss rang me and said this devastating piece of news. "you are being warned by Director, in writing for writing a letter to your MP". This is truly heartbreaking thing. I believed in the words our Prime Minister to consult my MP on issues of national interest. As a civil servant, I love my department for which I have moral obligation to serve with utmost dedication, loyalty, trust, faith, integrity and respect. As a civil servant, I am also mindful "not to criticize policies, programs and actions of the Government in public or in media". But however as enshrined in our constitution, I have my freedom of  expression (at least in my blog/journal, if not in public) As a responsible citizen who was brought up and nurtured by the policies and guidelines made by our fore fathers, I  know what is good and what is not for  our country. I am equally a matured man who have friends in the law making body.  Even as a Civil servant, the Civil Service Act of Bhutan (Chapter 4, section 55 (h) confers me the right to "express opinions on the lawfulness and purposefulness of orders including constructive criticism and suggestions" (at least in my journal /blog)

It was on a joyous occasion of our beloved King's birth day (21.02.2011) that our first democratically elected Prime Minister, gave every citizen (which i think also includes civil servants) to interact and question our MPs on issues that are of national interest (example: Tobacco Control Act 2010)

It was in line with that permission, I, as a concern citizen wrote a letter to my MPs and NOT to any media house for publication. There was neither a profit motif nor a criminal intent in it. (Read it for yourself) More importantly, I wrote that letter NOT in my capacity as civil servant, but as an electorate who voted for them. 

Anyways, I thank my Director for reminding me about my dos and donts. I also thank my immediate boss for being very candid and honest. However I still firmly believe that my blog doesn't contain anyhing that is "sensitive" other than few stories related to myself and a letter to my MP.

Thank you all for reading my story once again. 

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