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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Dream of Becoming Photographer Too. Part One

Dochu la stupas in the early morning sun, 2009

Dochula pass with all the newly stups and old stupas, 2009

Last snow fall in Paro. 2007

Neyzergang Zangdo Pelri in 2005

Lhakhang in Dochula Pass, 2008
Note: all the pictures (Except Neyzergang Zangdopelri) are taken with my 7.2 mega pixel digital camera. Unfortunately and sadly I lost my camera on 24th April 2011 in Trongsa.


  1. wonderful photos, you are a professional photographer from my view posit. Wish to see more la.

  2. Thank god you lost that Camera, because only then you can buy a better one. In my eyes I find the pictures so good. The religious perspective of yours is clearly portrayed in your work.

  3. You want an honest opinion here it goes, except for the photo no. 2 which you nearly got right others di i think the angle is all wrong. If u had stepped back a little, No. 2 would have been perfect. I am no photography expert but u see i too dream of being a photographer hahahaha

  4. Thank you all Leo, Passa and Tshering.

    @Tshering, next time (when I buy a good camera) I will definitely take your words. I virtually took all the pictures with zero knowledge of photography and of the few thousands i have in my collection, those were the selected few.

    i am seeking good feedbacks here......(like the one from Tshering)

  5. for what is see.... the pictures are just taking picture i thought angel is not just one.. but elements that you need in the another thing.....bravo brotha...

  6. The pictures is appealing and amazingly captured. I loved it!

  7. May your lost camera rest in PEACE

  8. @ Anonymous,

    Thank your for your prayers. I think my old camera certainly needs lot of that (Peace). coz i bought it in 2007. Its very old...
