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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yes; June is here once again.

  "Growing Tree is a Symbol of Living Nation".
 "Growing Tree is a Symbol of Living Nation".
"Growing Tree is a Symbol of Living Nation".

Let us get the history right. In the past 2nd June was considered holy and auspicious because it was on that fateful day that our fourth King was crowned. The crowning of our beloved king not only symbolized more prosperity and peace but also brought the nation together like a  family.

To make it even more memorable, later the day was declared as public holiday on which people across the nation committed their time and energy in planting trees. It was Known as the Social forestry day. This had a very deep meaning indeed because people believed that "growing tree is not only a symbol of living nation but is a symbol of thriving nation" 

But sadly somewhere down the line, some hypocrites decided to slash away that holiday from the list of our national holiday. Except the schools kids, so many people in the nation are today denied their right to plant a tree in loving memory of our beloved king. So many still feel that they are denied their participation in realizing the Gross National Happiness. 

But let us not mourn for a lost of one holiday, but wish our country a very prosperous year ahead. Let us all go home early from office (on 2nd June) and plant a tree to celebrate the auspicious day in its deserving way. 

Log live our beloved fourth King and May god bless us all. 

1 comment:

  1. I like reading your articles. I loved the way you have portrayed the images to let the readers understand your concept. I am learning a lot from it.

