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Monday, July 11, 2011

Some of the least frequented Sites of Bhutan, The Legacy of a Legendary Blacksmith.

Lhakhang's entry point 

This is how a Lhakhang looks like from Bondey Town

So called the Drupthop Chakzampa, (also known as the Thang Tong Gyelpo) is known more as the legendary blacksmith. His  (recorded) achievements are mostly confined to the construction of iron bridges across the country. Of many such bridges, the prominent ones are today visible in monumental bridges like Tamchok and Kurichhu.

One thing that we knew least (or never knew at all) was the architectural genius Drupthop possessed. Even though the architectural masterpiece like Dungtse Lhakhang in Paro  and Tamchok Goenpa, on the way to Thimphu are his creation, Drupthop to date has been accorded least in his architectural achievements.

Today one such monument is located in the middle if Bondey village. Crowded by cars and newly constructed buildings, it is hardly visible. Its a Lhakhang in itself with all the relics and nangtens but people mistake it for stupa.

A closer association with the locals reveals that it is one such Lhakhang which Drupthop built in one day. Only a handful people Including our Royal Grand Mother, Ashi Kezang, today know that it is very sacred monument. The Lhakhang has a life size statue of Drupthop which is believed to be a wish fulfilling statue. Infertile couples now frequent the lhakhang to seek fertility blessings. Besides, other couples also visit Lhakhang so that they can have a child with a sex of their choice.

 "For many people, such wishes have come true" says and old lady who spends her day circumbulating the Lhakhang. She also says "more people should visit this Lhakhang not only to seek fertility blessing, but also to pray for the world peace"

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