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Friday, August 12, 2011

Few Things That Sooths Me in Gujarat

I am about to begin my third week here in Gujarat and I still cannot sense or see anybody giving  me a bed to sleep and a table and chair (on which I can do my studies). The heat is relentless and never subsiding. The high humidity outside is making things all the more creepy because the ants are invading me and so are doves. Thanks to My friend Kruti and her Mom. They have been so generous in lending me their fan and  I am at least better than my flat mates in terms of having a fan. Without running water, our toilet is useless and so is our kitchen.

But there are things that sooths me and heals my pain. Take a look for yourself............


  1. life seems pathetic at the moment without many of the basic necessities...:P

  2. The difference in climate is large, Gujurat is one of hottest. I don't know what to say but all the best.

  3. Hi Kuenzang sir,
    Initially I was thinking that you were on a short term training in Gujarat but its nice to learn that you are pursuing your masters degree. Congratulations for getting such an opportunity.
    But, its sad to learn that you are having a tough time adjusting with such a condition. Hope things will improve gradually. Best wishes to you la.
    With me hostel facilities are good but its the weakness of the college administration which makes me low.
    Ny way cheers to you sir. :)

  4. Hi, it is good to know that you are practising your tolerance. I love reading your stories. Wondeful!

    Friend Jigme
