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Thursday, August 11, 2011

A dog and a Rabbit; A story beyond Wisdom?

Once, a very aggressive and hungry hunting dog saw a rabbit in the lawn busy grazing. The dog, without even giving a second thought, at once made up his mind to kill the rabbit and eat it up for his lunch.  

As the dog proceeded towards the rabbit, the rabbit sensed the imminent danger and started his escape from the approaching predator. The dog pursued the rabbit who ran in halter-skelter. But to his huge disappointment, the rabbit suddenly out ran him and soon disappeared in the hole underground. 

A very tired and hungry dog had no option other than to request the rabbit to come out, because he had a very important question for him. Deep inside, the dog actually wanted to know about the rabbit’s secrecy in successfully out running him, who as a hunter was trained to not only out run but also out jump most of the animals.

But the Rabbit refused to come out because he feared that dog was playing trick on him and that if he does, it would be his doomsday.

To convince the rabbit, the dog said that it’s a gentlemen’s agreement and he would honor that agreement above anything. After sometime the rabbit came out.

The dog then asked “Mr. Rabbit, how come you outrun a hunting dog like me?” The rabbit responded “Mr. Dog, the difference between you and me is that, you are running just for your lunch, while I was running for my life”   

As told by: Dr. Karthik,
Reader, Economics Department,
Gujarat University


  1. Wow, nice one bro. thanks for sharing! liked reading it...

  2. interestin story with a very good morale..:)

  3. yea inspiring jigs ...good one
