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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Diwali in my Neighborhood.

As the night matures,
The thundering sound of crackers fills the air.
It's a blast after blast,
That sets the blue sky ablaze,
with flames of multi hues. 

A  cry of a frightened peacocks,
A noise of a honking car,
A flame from a burning clay lamp,
Flickering of a florescent lights,
Scent from burning agarbhati,
The Night is full of life, 

The carnival of Dewali is here!
The festival in its own righteousness,
The celebration of light 
 The Celebration of colour,
-A gift from god to the humanity.

Burn more lamps,
For it illuminates the darkness of ignorance.
Add some colour in the sky,
For its celebration of God's gift.

I wish all my Hindu friends, a very very Happy and fulfilling happy Diwali. May god Bless us all and may all humanity have all the time in their life to celebrate life, love, Happiness and   friendship