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Monday, October 24, 2011

My Wife Becomes a Licensed Driver.

My better half with my second daughter
Sometime in mid 2008, by the blessing of god and goddess above, I became father of two with the birth of my second daughter and so was my wife. She became mother of two too. In union, we became parents to a pair of most beautiful daughters on this planet. 

Through my parents, I knew well in advance that parenting is not going to be an easy task. But without an inch of hesitation, I chose to become one. As sure as the grass is green, fathering two toddlers wasn't easy. It required lot of sacrifices, compromises and attentions. But nevertheless, our two angels brought us immense joy and pleasures beyond. 

It was in the fall of same year that we decided to buy a car. With growing family, Car became our necessity. Befitting to our status (beginner in civil service) we decided to buy an Alto car. But neither of us knew how to drive. That didn't deter us from fiddling with our car. Both of us soon learned to ignite the engine but we had difficulty moving our car forward. In other words, we didn't know how to balance the clutch and accelerator.  

At the cost of three minor accidents and after more than six months, I was finally able to drive on the highways. Whereas my wife, she still had difficulty balancing the clutch and the accelerator. There were days in my past, wherein my wife would come to me and tell me that it was her dream to one day drive a car on her own. 

But with me around, driving was just a dream for her and would have continued to remain so with my presence. We were both to be blamed here, because I was never a good teacher and she, never a good student. Our occasional evening driving class on the road would invariably end when she became enraged with my cumbersome and confusing instructions. She would not even talk to me for hours!

Now in my absence from home, she had not only learned to drive but have also become licensed driver. It gives me immense joy to see my wife finally realizing one of her dreams in life.