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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Not My Resolutions Please

New year eve is long gone and dead. This means that the time to make resolutions, promises and wishes are over for now (at least)  

But writing this piece, I find it rather strange. It surely looks like I am penning my resolutions and bucket list. But mind you, I have never made any new year resolutions till date. I believe resolutions can be made anytime. There is no rule of thumb which says that resolutions, promises and wishes can be only made during new year time. I believe that each day in it self is new beginning and that there is no requirement to bring out list of resolutions that  are surely going to be ignored or forgotten.

So, here are some of the things that lingers in my mind. But once again, these are not my resolutions or promises in their remotest sense. 

1.  Always begin my day with a prayer. 
2.  I will never bite more than I can actually chew.
3.  Love my family more. 
4.  Treat my health as my ultimate wealth
5.  Someday learn to ride bicycle
6.  Never say things which I don't mean it
7.  Read more and write more.
8.  Thank my parents everyday for making me who I am
9.  Always remember Life is not long 
10. Thank god for giving me this wonderful life.

1 comment:

  1. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me--I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com
