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Friday, February 3, 2012

Shingkhar Rabney, Part I

Shingkhar Ranbey 2008
Shingkhar Rabney concluded on 2nd Feb 2012, (which coincides with the 10th day of 12th month in Bhutanese calendar) It’s an annual event that lasts for 5 days. Locally, those five days are considered auspicious and sacred. They are considered most important for many reasons. 

Firstly, even though the significance of Rabney extends far beyond, for locals, it is considered as an annual event honoring our local deities for all the blessings and protections they have rendered in the past year. Besides, it is also an event where folks celebrate their past success and embark on the new beginning. 

Secondly, Rabney is a unique local event, observed in the loving memory of our ancestors. They are remembered for all the hardships and pains they have endured to preserve this beautiful culture and tradition. It is with each passing Rabney, that the architects of Shingkhar are immortalized in the hearts of Shingkharpas. 

Thirdly, Rabney is an important social event that unites the family and long lost relatives. It is often on Rabney that parents see their children who have moved to a far off place. It is also time for all the folks to call off the days form mundanely chores and sing and soak, heart and soul  in local brew -ara and cingchang.

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