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Thursday, August 30, 2012

For My Daughter, On Her sixth Birthday

Peldhen 2006
Peldhen 2007
Peldhen 2008
Peldhen 2009
Peldhen 2010
Peldhen 2011
Peldhen 2012
Dear sweetie, 
I am happy you are six now.
In time, you will grow up 
and become seven, eight, nine, ten 
and finally you will, 
fully grow up to read and understand 
a brief message papa wrote for you  
on your sixth Birthday. 

Remember few things:
Be happy with who you are 
and what you have
Life is not long 
 Treat every day as precious gift
Do not preach 
what you cannot practice yourself
Always remember that 
Success and failures are the ingredients of life;
do not get deluded by the former 
and deterred by the latter. 
Dream big but 
know that being ambitious
can be sometimes dangerous as well.
Check the road ahead.
Before you walk, 
and learn to say "I don't know" 
even when you think you know all.
Love and Trust
are entity, that are totally different.

Dear Sweetie, 
Let me not sermonize further 
for you will be bored 
But always bear in mind that 
you and your two little sisters are
everything for mummy and papa.
You are all eternal flowers
that bloom forever in the garden of our soul
Love you so much.
Miss you so much.

With Love 


  1. Very nice -:)

    Nothing like having a wonderful father like you who is there to give the best of the worlds.

    Happy Birthday Peldhen, you sure will keep your parents proud.

  2. Eye......Imbay Mo....Nicely and sincerely written. Keep it up brother

  3. Nicely Written.

  4. so happy it is to have a father...and happy birthday pelldhen,,,loads of love from uncle!!

  5. Nice to see your wonderful daughter decorated with such sweet description from dear father!!! Liked it sir!!!

  6. Thanks Pema and sangay for your kind words....and thanks also for wishing my sweetie happy birthday....

  7. As beautiful as she is :) keep writing

  8. you are a very good writer. u have written very sweet lines for your daughter.
