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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Of peeing and Shitting Dogs

As I have said in my earlier post, many things have indeed transpired around me in a brief period of time. The immediate thing that comes to my mind is a (sick) buffalo that died in a swamp some hundred yards away from my room. At first glace I thought the beast was cooling off his body from the scorching heat. But Later I realized that the beast actually died. I think the beast died a very painful death though. As crows and vultures and dogs from every nook and corner gathered and devoured the corpse, I thought to myself  that the corpse would have made a fortune, if only it were in a place other than this veggie Gujarat.

And few weeks ago, I also saw a corpse of a dog. I don't know how it died but I did not regret a bit. In fact I have developed a strong sense of dislike for dogs here in Gujarat (especially in my campus) In my recent times, they have become the most annoying and disgusting creature. It might sound like an exaggeration, but these dogs in my campus have a very wired habit. Of all the places on earth, they all come to pee and shit right in front of my door!  I could sense my intense hatred for dog exceeding my hatred for mosquitos and house flies! darn!  And one fine day I was busy planning to bring those beasts to justice. But fortunately for those dogs, it coincided with the birthday of Lord Krishna and I had to call off my plan. And the shitting and peeing continues and we have a entry that stinks worse than our university toilet.

Now that we had a good rain fall here in Gujarat, the weather is lot better these days. The cools breeze in the evening and mornings just reminds me of my morning and evening walk in Paro. I often join one of my friend who frequents the terrace, especially in the evening and night to enjoy the  freshness of breeze and the beauty of the night sky. 

Since we see airplanes and stars, we often end up talking a lot about those objects. I could make out from his expression that airplanes have really fascinated him and on many occasions, I saw him go nuts with is imaginations. As for me, having worked in international airport for more than six years, it was not a topic that warranted my attention. But surprisingly his wild theory did draw my attention. You know what he said? He told me with full conviction that an airplane he was flying in actually did not fly forward and was in stationary position on two different occasion. He baffled me and I went wordless.

And the other night, we talked about the English as a language and medium of instruction. I think we also discussed about grammar too. I told him that I know not much about grammar and hence I make lot of grammatical errors. He told me that he used to be a grammar guru in his school and that many teachers would come and seek his assistance in grammar. I told him it is well and good.  And the next thing he said baffled me even  more.  He told me that he doesn't like reading and writing at all! Confused and lost, I asked him "sir, then where do u show your grammatical talents"  

He reminded me of my nephew in my village, who once talked to me a lot about flying airplane and how he wished to become Kalam Singh one day. I felt happy thinking about my innocent nephew and his blissful green days. 

Well guys, I will write about other things in my next post and its going to be about mercury levels and diplomatic relations. 

1 comment:

  1. Well i must say; you surely did some dog observation. but yes! I pretty much agree with you on this. keep writing. Nice posts!
