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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Remembering My First Court Case, Part One

Three places on earth that I wouldn't want to frequent. ----They are plain, discrete and direct.  First, the Hospital,  second,  the Police station and third, the Court. But, unfortunately I had one such ghostly moment in my past that took me to all those feared places of my life.

First to the Hospital. It dates back in 2008 when Kinley was due to give birth to Sonam. She underwent  an immense labour pain near the pediatric ward of JDWNRH. Many hours into her labour pain, we finally managed to get one bed in the ward. As a young man, stepping to become a father was a incredible feeling. It brought me joys and fears weighted in equal proportion. But Kinley's prolonged labour pain made me fell nervous and helpless. Towards midnight, her pain augmented. I could sense my pulse soar and face redden.  I felt utter helplessness being next to her. With her parents and one of my sister around, we were at least better than some of the patients who were left alone on their own. Sensing something frantic, a nurse showed up and finally told us to move her to the labour room.

We were busy lifting and moving Kinley to the labour room and in the middle, a lady showed up. --The same lady I had seen the whole day, scolding helpless patients and maids.-- She looked more like a sweeper but sounded worse than Hitler. She took no regard for the pains and anxiety we were under and in her most wicked and cruelest tone, she said that one sick person cannot have more than one maid. As such her point stood very valid but delivery case was altogether a different issue. My father-in-law and  I requested her to show us some compassion which she was not keen at. In between many things happened. The lady kept on scolding at us but we had no or little time to listen to her. We finally reached Kinley in the safety of labour room and following which I came back to get some cloths for her and the (expected) new born.

I intended to beg pardon for all the inconvenience caused and wanted to apologize the lady, but to my shocking revelation, I found the lady charged with anger was cursing me and my family. It was not a good omen. Charged and tensed, I was, I told her to shut up and pushed her from my way. No sooner did I touch her, then she fell off on the floor and shouted on top of her voice. She accused me of having battered her. The entire hospital went numb and there was silence all over. Nurses  on duty were unusually quite and wouldn't speak a word to me. But in between the lady started calling the Police. 

To be continued.................

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