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Monday, September 3, 2012

Remembering My First Court Case, Part Two

Nurses on duty were unusually quite and wouldn't speak a word to me. But in between the lady started calling the Police.

Inside, the Nurses were busy attending to Kinley and outside some strange, rather unexpected things were taking shape. From no where a group of Police showed up like those Pizza delivery boys in India. I was soon called out. As expected, they interrogated me and I gave my full co-operation. It was then, I came to know that a lady was a ward lady, whose duty was to clean up the wards and maintain a required sanitary level in the wards. 

She was adamant and she insisted that it was a case of battery. She also insisted that our case needs further attention and hence needs to be taken to a appropriate place for settlement. For her, appropriate place meant one thing, -Police station. But however the the officer on duty rejected her case, for she couldn't produce any on-spot evidence nor any reliable eye witness. The officer told me to behave and he left the scene. 

For once, I thought to myself that we have police officers who were more humanely and homely than people in the Hospital. I also thought to myself that I came to hospital seeking much needed help and support, but felt thoroughly harassed in the process. I felt disheartened to the brim. It was even more bitter feeling that our referral hospital lacked people who were trained to deal with human emotion and anxieties. Even nurses weren't any better that night. Forget about sorting out the things that went miserably wrong, they all sympathized the ward lady. Worse, one nurse was my former school mate. It reminded me of a adage; wolfs  will support only wolfs in the den. 

By the time I was done with police, my wife gave birth to Sonam. I walked in with tears rolling down my cheeks. I could fell my heart panting and my lungs running short of oxygen. I took a long deep breath and continued walking in. I felt sorry for not being the first person to touch my daughter, but nevertheless, I felt overwhelmed all over that my wife was safe and so was my daughter. I thanked god and I personally went to thank those nurses on duty. 

But next morning, It was yet another surprise. I got a call from Police station and I was asked to report immediately. At that moment, I felt the ward lady was really up-to something. I got myself dressed and immediately rushed to the police station. I was greeted by a young lady officer. She offered me a cup of black tea and after which she took my statement.  She told me to come gain the next day. But I insisted that our case be resolved within the earliest possible time period.  To this the officer told me to to either wait or compromise the case between the two of us. 

I felt her idea worthwhile and suddenly I found my self begging the ward lady to withdraw the case.  I told her I would compensate her with a cash. I remember making several pleas to her only to be turned down abruptly. It appeared to me that, someone from behind was guiding her all through. I saw her worn out phone being over burdened that day. So I also told her that I would give her a brand new phone, if only she could consent to my plea. I did this not because I would be proven guilty but I needed more time to stay with my new born daughter and  my recovering wife. 

After 2 days, I was again called back to the police station. The officer had a good news. She told me that Ward lady's medical report came out clean. Of course I was relieved to hear that but I refuted the officer by saying that she should have a medical report taken immediately on that day and not after 2 or 3 days. But the officer told me to calm down. As she could not charge sheet me to the court for the lack of evidence, she told me to leave. I felt immensely happy to hear that. 

As I walked out, I told the ward lady to carefully weigh the pros and cons of getting herself entangled in her futile act fueled by nothing, but greed. I felt more confident and more bold. I approached the ward lady, one more time and told her that she wont gain anything from this enterprise and that I would make myself available anywhere any time to defend my innocence 

But she was even more determined to take the case further on her own. 

To be continued......................

1 comment:

  1. Gud going PSN. Waiting to hear the rest of your story..:)
