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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Now You Can Leave Me Your Comments

I just scribble anything that comes to my mind on blog. Most of the time this is purely done out my pleasure and my love for writing.. Many a times, I do not even mind whether something I write on my blog even gets read by some people somewhere!.  Like many other bloggers, I am also not so used to getting (loads) of comments and feedback(s) as well.

But of late, I have been interacting with some of my regular readers and most of them told me that they enjoy reading my blog. I don't know whether they are being nice to me, but most of them also told me to 'keep up my writing habit'. Some of them told me that they cannot leave their comments.

So today I would like to share some simple tips with my readers which will enable them to leave their comments on any other blogs. (but if it doesn't work, I will not be responsible..LOL)
  1.  When you have finished reading the post, you will see a comment box just below the post.
  2. Choose the profile with which you want to leave the comment from the drop box. Use which ever profile you fell comfortable and convenient.
  3. Of all the profiles available, I would recommend anyone to use the anonymous profile, as it is easier to leave comment with that profile.
  4. When I say 'use anonymous' it does not mean that anyone can be reckless here. Please be anonymous  but be sensible. 
  5. Type your comment in the comment box and then click the 'publish' button.
  6. Your comment will be immediately published as I am not moderating any comments at the moment.
  7. If you are a regular reader than, you can join my site by clicking the ' join this site' button and be among the group of wonderful people.

Well, I will continue writing but I would like to once again remind all my readers that I am not a 'writer' in any sense. I am rather a very very immature and amateur scribbling buddy. So please forgive me for all the errors.

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