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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tibet's PM Dr. Lobsang Sangay

I came across this clip on youtube while I was trying to over come my insomnia. It looks fairly old though. After listening to Dr. Lobzang for more than  47 minutes, I came to know that he is a man of real substance. I found the clip very informative and educative. I think this clip will be of immense help for historians, political analysts and for those scholars who are studying Tibet, India, China and the Southeast Asia. 

I hope someday the Peoples Republic of China will listen to this Peace loving man and start profiting for the cause of Chinese and Tibetan people. 

1 comment:

  1. Very learned man with good ways with words, Dr. Lobsang sounds like a good hope for Tibet.
    But there is nothing different in the way he will take the cause forward, it is a long way forward. I wish them the best- Free Tibet!
